Sunday, June 8, 2008

Cook Out at the Ranch

Yesterday I got to go with Kyle and his family to their ranch for a cook out, and it was a lot of fun. Kyle and I took our shotguns so we could shoot a few skeets while we were there. He hand one of the hand throwers, and he did good with that, but I struggled with it. After messing around for a bit we got cooking. Kyles dad maned the grill with the burgers and potatoes, and Kyle and I got put on onion ring duty. It was kind of weird deep frying in a duth oven, but it worked. Just as we were finishing up cooking, the oil popped on got all around my left eye. I'm lucky it didn't actually get into my eye, but it still didn't feel very good. After all the food was prepared we had a great meal. Then we just relaxed for a while and enjoyed the great scenery and weather.

The great GREEN scenery at the ranch

Ellis tending the fire

Clayton working the grill

Kim learning to shoot her bow


Janice Twitchell said...

Yum! I love cookouts! I've never tried deep frying onion rings in a dutch oven, I'm going to try it!

Tina said...

Skyler! I'm sorry about your eye! I hope it is okay. I'm jealous you got to go up the mountain and have dutch oven food!

Tina said...

hey Skyler! I'm excited for you guys to come up!!

The Blacks said...

Hey Skyler,
Good to see you still are hanging with the fam. Are you living in Blanding now? How long have you been home.