Friday, May 1, 2009


Today my time at the College of Eastern Utah - San Juan Campus came to an end! After what has seemed like forever, I finally have something to show for my time there, an Associates of Science. The graduation ceremony was nice, but that stage was just too hot, so that made the ceremony seem like it lasted forever. I did end up graduating with high honors, and I was recognized as the oustanding business student and the outstanding math student. I have to admit, I was a little more than shocked about the math award. I don't mean to sound arrogant about the business award, that was a pleasant suprise too, but honestly..... MATH? All that aside though, I am very greatful to have been able to earn my degree, and am looking forward to moving on to Cedar City and SUU this fall.


Zeb, Hilary, & Camden said...

Congratu-frekin-lations! You look soooo good in your graduation gown! Wish we could have been there but we have a card we need to send you. You know me... always a day late and a dollar short! Hope to see you in a couple of weeks?!? Are you planning on coming out to Provo?

Anonymous said...

Congrats Skyler! That's really great.

Janice Twitchell said...

Congrats sky! That's awesome you got those awards too! You best come see me if you're going to be living only in Cedar!

Tina said...

Good job Skyler!! You are awesome. You look nice as a graduate! I'm sad you are going to SUU. Just when we move down, you head out :) Just kidding!

mcbradford said...

Go Sky! Sorry again for jabbing you in the head during practice for the big day! lol