Friday, November 28, 2008

I'm Dreaming of a White.....THANKSGIVING!

Yesterday turned out to be a fun and exciting holiday. We went up to the cabin to for our turkey dinner, and it was snowing, making for some awesome scenery on the mountain. As we got going down the hill going into the guest ranch, we saw a car off in the ditch. As it turns out, it was Meikos Jetta. We follwed her footprints all the way into the cabin after that. So we ate a quick turkey dinner, and then headed out to pull Meikos car out of the ditch. It took some manuvering, and some expert driving from my dad, but we got it out. So after we took care of the car we headed back to the cabin to enjoy some of Shirleys home-made pies, and they were amazing! We got to enjoy the great snowstorm, and the beauty of a mountain covered in fresh snow.

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

A Literate Chicken Herder

Well, as you can tell, it has been a long time since I have done anything with my blog, so I figured it was time for a couple of updates. I have been really busy with school, finals are coming up fast, so it has been scramble time. I have been spending a ton of time just trying to keep my head above water in my math class. I was so happy because I finished my last math homework assignment on Monday! Since all of our homework is done online, there is a little tacking device that shows how much time you have spent working. According to the tracker, I spent 66 hours and 35 minutes doing homework this semester. Needless to say I am glad thats over with. Now I just have to get through the final and its over. This last week I took a test to see if I could skip the computer literacy class that is required for an asociates degree, and I got the results on Tuesday. They require a score of 80% to test out of the class, and I wound up getting a 97%. It wasn't a hard test, but I think its sad that we have to take a class or pass a test to be dubbed computer literate. So that explains the first part of my odd title, and the second half comes from what happened tonight. I was in my basement playing some hoops on my PS2, and my mom yells down, "Harold come help us catch the chickens." So I run upstairs, and looked in the backyard, and the door to the coop was wide open. So me, mom, and Tina went to round up all the chickens. I was suprised because it only took us like 20 minutes to get them all back in.