Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Moving Day

This last weekend we went down to Flagstaff AZ to help Zeb and Hilary move into their new house. Their new house is in what seems to be a really nice neighborhood, but there was one downfall to their new home. The driveway to the house is super steep, and it was impossible to get either of their cars up the driveway. The mountainside like driveway also made it a bit more challenging to get all their stuff moved into their house. After we got the moving truck unloaded though, we built a little contraption to make it so they could use their driveway. I didn't think there was any way that we would be able to fix it, but my dad came up with an idea that worked extremely well. Even after we got it built and into place I didn't think it would make that much difference, but it did the job. I was glad that we were able to go help Zeb and Hil out. I am also very excited that it will no longer take 7 hours to get to their house now!!!

1 comment:

Janice Twitchell said...

Sweet contraption!! You so MacGuyver'ed it! Their house looks nice.Where did they move to?