Friday, August 8, 2008

A Late Report

So this last weekend I took a trip to Mesa Arizona with my parents so we could visit Zeb and Hil. We wanted to go check out their new apartment, which was very nice, and to attend Zebs White Coat Ceremony. So we left Blanding on wednesday evening and drove to Flagstaff and spent the night. Then we took on the rest of the traveling to Mesa on Thursday morning. It was so nice to take the trip down in two stages, it made the trip a lot more tolerable. Anyway, we just spent most of our weekend relaxing, watching movies, swimming, and eating too much. On Friday morning we got to go to the White Coat Ceremony. It was pretty cool to witness that becasue it is an outward symbol of Zeb actually hitting the home stretch to becoming a doctor. I know he would disagree with that statement because he still has a long way to go before he finishes (you can check out the official countdown on his blog). So we had a really good time down in Arizona there were only two negatives in the whole trip, the heat, and the drive home. We took a route home that we were told was faster, but it took FOREVER! I was so ready to be home by the time we pulled up to our garage. Anyway, here are a couple of pictures from the ceremony.

Every wonder what Santa does during the summer?

Waiting in line to receive the honors

Making his introduction

Putting on THE White Coat

The proud parents


Zeb, Hilary, & Camden said...

I like the Santa picture! It was fun having you all to visit. I am so proud of you... 2 posts in the last 2 days! You are becoming a true blogger!

Tina said...

Love the Santa pic Skyler!!