Sunday, December 26, 2010

RING out the bells on Christmas Day

This holiday season was definitely a different, but exciting one. I was unable to go home for Christmas due to my work schedule at walmart, but I still managed to spread a little Christmas cheer. I had to work the morning of the 24th, but after my shift was over, I hopped in my car and headed north. After driving for a few hours in some pretty intense fog, I made it to the Salt Lake valley. I spent Christmas eve with Kathy. We went to dinner at Applebees, which was having a Hawaiian night. Then we went to a movie, which was surprisingly packed for a Christmas Eve. I spent the night at Kathys (Thanks again Kath) and then made my way over to the Allred home in South Jordan. There I set up a surprise scavenger hunt for Ruth with the help of her mom. Here is a picture of most of the items from the hunt.

At the final stage of the hunt, Ruth had to follow a trail of roses to the Christmas tree in her living room.

When she arrived, a very surprised Ruth found me waiting next to the tree to give her another gift.

Thats right everyone, Ruth and I are now engaged!!! Before we get too many questions about it, we know it will be in May, but we aren't sure about the exact date yet. We will let you know soon though! Here are a couple more pictures of the ring. Enjoy!

Also, here is us spreading the news!